Get your trivia game on with Pub Quiz this Thursday, 7 p.m.

Football season is over, baseball season is still two months away and season two of Netflix’s Stranger Things won’t premier until Halloween. Even happy hours in the DMV, also known as District-Maryland-Virginia, these days don’t feel so happy. What’s one to do for fun in this town this week?

Fear not, because the National Press Club’s Pub Quiz is on for this Thursday, Feb. 9, in the Truman Lounge! Emcee Marc Wojno will get the game started at 7 p.m., for an evening of merriment, food, drinks and prizes. Arrive early with your friends, fellow members and colleagues and order a hearty meal from the Reliable Source kitchen and a stiff drink from the bar. Don’t have a team? No worries, we’ll team you up.

A monthly staple of the National Press Club, Pub Quiz is a great opportunity to forget about work, gather with friends and make new ones over food and drinks.

For more information, contact Mesfin Mekonen at 202-662-7443 or Marc Wojno at [email protected].