Grieving together alone: NPR, Dallas Morning News journalists to discuss writing and grief tomorrow

Join the National Press Club Journalism Institute on Friday, April 17, from 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. for a community conversation to explore personal loss in a time of collective grief. 

Keith Woods, NPR’s chief diversity officer, and Tom Huang, The Dallas Morning News assistant managing editor for journalism initiatives, will discuss their experiences in the half-hour program, "Grieving together, alone." 

Woods and Huang have both written about the loss of a parent at a time of collective mourning; both are longtime journalists, editors and writing teachers. The first 15 minutes will be a conversation between them connecting writing and grief in this moment, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A with participants. You can register here. 

Please contact Julie Moos, executive director of NPCJI, with any questions.