Haitian Ambassador at 6 pm March 25

Haitian Ambassador Raymond Joseph and his wife, Lola Poisson-Joseph, will discuss their country and how it is coping with the aftermath of the Jan. 12 earthquake at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 25, in the ballroom.

The earthquake killed at least 200,000 and left more than 1 million
homeless. The Josephs will focus on the best way to
redevelop Port-au-Prince, the capital that was most severely destroyed,
and other regions. l

Joseph has been ambassador since October 2005, when he became his country¹s
first full-fledged envoy to the United States since 1998. A journalist by
profession, he spent 19 years in New York under a death sentence imposed in
absentia by the regime of the late Francois "Papa Doc"

Lola Poisson-Joseph, an artist, is founder and chairwoman of the Children and
Families Global Development Fund. She will speak on women's and children's
issues in the aftermath of the earthquake.

The event is being organized by the International Correspondents Committee.

RSVP to Jan Du Plain at [email protected].