Happy 100th Birthday Lillian Brown

Former member Lillian Brown celebrates her 100th birthday Friday, and she still has stories to tell.

As a make-up artist for CBS News, Brown, a member until 2010, was the last stop for many top newsmakers before they went before the cameras. She did the makeup for nine U.S. presidents from Dwight Eisenhower to Bill Clinton, and she did the makeup before the second presidential debate in Washington between Vice President Richard M. Nixon and Sen. John F. Kennedy after Nixon learned the hard way in the first debate how important makeup was.

She taught communications for nearly 50 years at American, George Washington, Georgetown and Yale Universites. To hear some of her stories, click on this link to a 55-minute interview the NPC History and Heritage Committee recorded with her on the 50th Anniversary (October 7, 2010) of that second presidential debate.

This is just one of many video and audio oral histories in the Club archives that help record the history and heritage of the NPC.