Health leaders to discuss communications lessons from the COVID-19 crisis, today 11 a.m.

The COVID-19 crisis presented the health community with an unprecedented challenge  -- communicating uncertainty with potential life or death consequences. Public distrust and confusion left a massive gap for false or misleading claims to fill.

cidHear from health leaders about their lessons learned from the crisis for building trust and public engagement around health communications during a virtual Communicators Team Candid Conversation event on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 11 a.m. Register online.  

You’ll hear from experts in public health, psychology and communication with speakers including Tobacco Control Research Group researcher Louis Laurence, Kids Plus Pediatrics CEO Dr. Todd Wolynn, and renowned health communications expert Dr. Dolores Albarracín of the University of Pennsylvania.

National Press Club member and Associate Director of Communications at Action on Smoking and Health Megan Manning will moderate the conversation.