Hear about Club's treasure trove of history from archivist Jeffrey Schlosberg, Nov. 16

Jeffrey Schlosberg, National Press Club archivist, will be the featured guest at the next luncheon meeting of the National Press Club's Photography Committee at noon Wednesday, Nov. 16, in the McClendon Room.

All Club members and their guests are welcome to attend his presentation on the Club's Archives, which are described by the NPC website as a "treasure trove of archival materials."

The Archives, according to the website, "collects, preserves, describes, exhibits and makes available to researchers materials related to the history and activities of the National Press Club and the history of journalism, specifically in the Washington DC area."

Among the Archive's holdings are many historic photographs, some of which Schlosberg will show at the lunch. After lunch and some remarks, he will take the group on a tour of the Archives, providing members an opportunity to see how its 15,000 photos are stored, catalogued and preserved.

Schlosberg has served as the Club's archivist since 2010. Previously, he spent 13 years at the Newseum, initially as a researcher and eventually as curator of print media.

There is no charge and no RSVP is necessary.