Hear about the fascinating World War I career of Club's fifth president at history event Oct. 18

Oswald F. Schutte served just three months as the National Press Club's fifth president in 1913, but he went on to cover World War I from the German side for the Chicago Daily News until the United States entered the war in 1917.

Independent researcher/scholar James Castellan will talk about Schuette’s amazing career and share some photos of him in Germany during the war at noon Wednesday, Oct. 18 in the Cosgrove Lounge.

Schuette was the oldest president to receive the “black ring” given to every Club president. His ring will be formally presented to the Club during the talk.

This event is co-sponsored by the Club’s History and Heritage Committee and American Legion post. Bring in your lunch from the buffet for a great hour and a half of Club and American history.