Hear talk on Eisenhower's influence on world, at American Legion Post 20 meeting, Jan. 19

University of Virginia history professor and author Will Hitchcock will discuss the importance of President Dwight D. Eisenhower at a virtual meeting of the American Legion Post 20 at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19.

All Club members are invited to the speaker portion of the meeting. RSVP to Post 20 Sergeant at Arms Evelyn Moy at [email protected].  A link to the meeting will be provided.  

Hitchcock is the William W. Corcoran professor of history at UVA. An expert on the post-World War II years, he has written and edited numerous books about that era. His most recent book, "The Age of Eisenhower: America and the World in the 1950s," was a New York Times bestseller in 2018. He holds a doctorate in history from Yale University.

Following the security breach by the mob of protesters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, Hitchcock tweeted on Jan. 12 an image of Eisenhower next to one of a protester in front of a statue of Eisenhower in National Statuary Hall, with this message:

How it started/how it's going.

Dwight Eisenhower

Protester in front of Eisenhower statue in Capitol's Statuary Hall




Hitchcock also tweeted that day: "Eisenhower, when told on Dec 16 1944 that the Germans had launched a counter-offensive in the Ardennes that would become the "Battle of the Bulge," famously declared: 'now is the time for unity. Let us lower the temperature.'"





A tweet from Nov. 15: "How did Nixon react to losing a close election? As you’d expect. A para from 'Age of Eisenhower':"


paragraph from "Age of Eisenhower"





Post 20 was founded at the Club in 1919 at the suggestion of World War I Gen. John "Black Jack"  Pershing. At the time, Pershing was serving in Washington and was an associate member of the Club. The post commemorated its centennial on Nov. 19, 1919, 100 years to the day of the issuance of its initial charter by legion headquarters.