Help shape Journalism Institute programming in 2023 

The National Press Club Journalism Institute would like to know what services, training, and support Club members would find most valuable in 2023. 

Please take this two-minute survey to help inform future Institute programming and newsletters.

Journalists produce work that empowers civic engagement. The Institute helps power journalism in the public interest with programs that build concrete skills to support the Fourth Estate’s vital role in our society and uphold press freedom.

In 2022, the Institute held programs on topics such as  combating misinformation during election coverageimproving representation in news coverage, and filing public records requests.

Recordings and highlights from all programs can be found on the Institute’s website.

The Institute also publishes a daily newsletter that features top media headlines, journalism best practices and interviewsleadership and career advice, and a first chance to sign up for upcoming programs.

Don’t want to take the survey? Email your suggestions to  [email protected].