Here's your chance to question President Lincoln

If you had been a reporter at the end of the Civil War, what would you have asked President Lincoln? At noon on Dec. 3, you have a chance to do just that.

The Club is one of the sponsors of an event bringing Lincoln impersonator George Buss to Ketchum Hall. across from the Hart Senate Office Building. to hold a press conference as though it were the final days of the Civil War.

While the real Lincoln never held a press conference, he was adept at using the newspapers to make his case to the American people. Those days in mid-April 1865 were crucial to the future of the nation as the transition from war to peace began. What was Lincoln’s plan?

The events organizers are looking for three or four working journalists to kick off the questioning, which will be joined by the entire audience. Anyone wishing to take part should contact the Club’s History and Heritage Committee chairman, Gil Klein at [email protected].

The Club is joining the Abraham Lincoln Association, the Illinois State Society of Washington, D.C., the Lincoln Academy of Illinois, the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia and the U.S. Capitol Historical Society to stage this press conference.