Historic vote to admit women to Club is topic of Fall Hoot Sept. 16

The 50th anniversary of the National Press Club's vote to admit women will highlighted Friday, Sept. 16, at the Owls' Fall Hoot.

The event begins at 6 p.m. in the Holeman Lounge and Ballroom. Tickets are $35 and can be reserved here for a three-course dinner, preceded by a reception with cash bar. Hoots are open to all members and their guests.

The 50th anniversary milestone actually occurred last year, but couldn't be observed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The evening will celebrate the vote of the all-male membership in 1971 to approve the admission of women to the Club. Vivian Vahlberg, the first woman elected president, has indicated she is planning to attend the dinner and be part of the program. The Club's annual Vivian Awards, presented to outstanding member volunteers, are named after her.Silver Owl

Silver Owls are those who have been members of the Press Club for at least 25 years. Golden Owls have been members for at least 50 years or more. Platinum Owls have roosted at the Club for at least 60 years.

If you are a new Silver, Gold or Platinum Owl and you attend the Hoot, you will be introduced and presented with a certificate.

Additional details will be released as the dinner approaches.