House Committee seeks dramatic photo of Oct. 31 luncheon for Club entrance

The National Press Club House and Bar Committee is asking Club-member photographers to submit photos of the bank of broadcast cameras expected to cover the Oct. 31
Herman Cain luncheon.

The committee will choose a suitable photo for framing under the motto "News Happens Here" on the east wall of the Club lobby on the 13th-floor of the National Press Building near the elevators.

"We're seeking a dramatic wide-angle horizontal photo capturing the excitement and newsworthiness of our Club's activities," said House and Bar Committee Chair Lou Priebe.

A framed example of the "cinemascope"-type photo envisioned is located in the Club's administrative offices.

Submissions should be e-mailed to Priebe at [email protected]. If you have questions, you can call him at (703) 569-0946.