How famed broadcaster Edward R. Murrow's World War II dispatches colored Ukraine reporting is subject of April 5 event

Broadcast legend Edward R. Murrow established the standards of modern broadcast journalism during World War II.

Now his influence on the reporting from war-torn Ukraine will be subject of a Zoom gathering of the Broadcast/Podcast and History & Heritage Teams at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 5.

Photo of Edward R. Murrow


Casey Murrow, Edward Murrow's son and an honorary lifetime member of the National Press Club, will be the special guest.


Joining Casey Murrow in the one-hour conversation (with members’ questions) will be Marvin Kalb, the last correspondent personally hired by Edward R. Murrow at CBS News. Kalb, a former CBS News Moscow bureau chief and a Harvard scholar in Russian studies, who has been closely monitoring the Russian/Ukraine dispute.

Registration is open to all Club members.