Independent writers meet Thursday

A group of independent authors -- those who has written and published at least one full-length book not using a traditional publisher -- will meet from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Thursday, March 14, in the McClendon Room.

Such books must be available for sale to the public. Print, ebook, POD and audio book formats qualify.

Contact Club member Ed Barks at [email protected] to reserve. There is no cost to participate. If you have interest but are unable to attend, email Barks to be advised of future gatherings.

The March agenda includes a discussion of the features, benefits, and challenges of three approaches to publishing -- indie, vanity/hybrid, and traditional with a major publishing house. There is also time for discussion at the end.

This is a forum for independently published authors to learn more about the business of authorship. It is not a writing or critique group.