Indie authors plan to launch mentor program at Nov. 14 meeting

NPC Indie Authors Mentoring Program

For more than a year, an informal group of independent authors at the National Press Club has been meeting monthly to enhance their knowledge about the business and marketing aspects of publishing.

Now, group members plan to put their expertise front and center for the benefit of fellow Club members, offering themselves as mentors to prospective authors who may want to pursue the independent route. The effort kicks off at the group's next meeting Thursday, Nov. 14, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the McClendon Room.

Members interested in attending should contact Ed Barks at [email protected].

Mentors can offer guidance on topics ranging from marketing and promoting books to the business aspects of running a publishing house — and anything in between. The Nov. 14 meeting will attempt to get this process started by inviting prospective authors.

Plan to attend the meeting if you are interested in learning more about independent authorship and publishing. This approach gives authors complete control over their work, obviating the need for a "traditional" publisher. Communicator and Journalist members of the Club are encouraged to attend. After all, what reporter or ex-reporter doesn't think they haves have a book in them?

Several members of the independent authors group will be featured at Friday's National Press Club Institute annual Book Fair. Register here.