This Is It: Claim your free drink! Membership survey ends today

Today is your last chance to have your voice heard by completing the survey of National Press Club members before it closes. Although we've got record participation in the survey, we'd still like to hear more opinions from our members. You've got until midnight tonight.

The survey results are used to develop the Press Club's strategic plan that will help set the direction and priorities for the next five years.

You should have received the survey in your e-mail box. If you did not or if you need to have it resent, please let us know at [email protected]. Your link is unique to you, so please do not forward it or use another member's.

Your opinion is important and will be kept confidential. As a thank you for your time, you will receive a coupon for a free drink at the Reliable Source if you complete the survey. If you have already submitted your survey, you will receive your drink coupon in early October.

Please make sure your voice is heard by clicking on the link in your survey e-mail and completing it, which should take 10-15 minutes of your time.
