It's not too late to donate to fund for furloughed NPC employees

NPC Furlough Fund logoNational Press Club members and staff donated $8,575 to a fund for furloughed Club employees during its first month of existence. 

The Club established the staff support fund in late June for 46 employees furloughed due to a slowdown in business operations caused by the COVID19 pandemic.

The money collected so far has financed a $200 Giant gift card for each furloughed Club employee. The Club mailed the gift cards last week.

“This is a tough time for many, including our members and staff,” said Club President Michael Freedman. “Often, adversity brings out the best in people, and this is a shining example of how we are trying to be there for one another. The generosity of our members and staff, in spite of their own challenges, is deeply appreciated.”

Furloughed Club employees retain their health benefits, are eligible for unemployment and can be called back as business improves. Professional staff members who retained their positions took a 15 percent pay cut.

Shortly after the actions were announced, several Club members contacted Freedman to ask how they could help financially those who were furloughed. Several Club members also backed a support fund.

The fund will continue to operate as long as the furloughs remain in place.

“This was a tremendous effort by the membership to provide meaningful help to employees at their time of greatest need,” said Club Executive Director Bill McCarren.