Job opening: Economics reporter at Kiplinger

Looking for a challenging, rewarding journalism job that gives you a chance to do more than report what other people say?

Kiplinger Editors seeks an experienced, talented reporter to cover the financial services industry and other aspects of U.S. business and the economy for the country’s largest weekly business newsletter and Web site.

We’re looking for a clear thinker, with an ability to see past the news to what comes next; the insight and knowledge to grasp what the news means; and the writing skills to convey that clearly and concisely. Someone with a thorough understanding of U.S. economic issues, established sources and the willingness and ability to anticipate macroeconomic developments and assess their likely impact on businesses.

Salary commensurate. Generous benefits and flexible, family-friendly work environment. Equal Opportunity Employer

Send cover letter, resume, writing samples and salary requirement to:
Human Resources
The Kiplinger Letter
1100 13th Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20005
[email protected]