Journalism Institute opens new reporting, writing, leadership programs

Starting this week, The National Press Club Journalism Institute will host weekly programs to help journalists and communicators focus on craft development and community during these challenging times. 

On Friday, April 17, join us to explore writing about personal loss in a time of collective grief. Keith Woods, NPR’s chief diversity officer, and Tom Huang, The Dallas Morning News assistant managing editor for journalism initiatives, will discuss their experiences with “Grieving together, alone” and take questions from 11:30 a.m. to noon in a Zoom webinar. 

It’s one of five free community conversations and programs scheduled through May as a way for journalists and communicators to connect and learn together. Also planned are:  

Leading through: Resilient newsrooms with Robyn Tomlin, Mike Wilson & Jill Geisler (April 24, 11:30am-12pm ET)

Writing through: Resilience & community with Connie Schultz & Jon Mooallem (April 29, 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. ET)

Covering Coronavirus: How to be an antiracist with Ibram X. Kendi, Robert Samuels & Shannon Young (May 4, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET)

Writing through: A personal pandemic with Sarah Maslin Nir (May 11, 11:30 a.m. - 12  p.m. ET)

In addition, the Journalism Institute has launched a daily newsletter, Covering Coronavirus, which has included more than 29 original stories and Q&As with journalists about best practices, great work and self-care. You can see the newsletter and subscribe here

One week ago, the Institute opened a new online writing group. For a half-hour every Monday-Friday, a diverse group gathers, writes, offers feedback and exchanges inspiration. “This writing group is the highlight of my day,” participants tell us. You can join us here

For more information or to share topics you’re interested in, email Journalism Institute Executive Director Julie Moos ([email protected]).