Journalism Institute program on Sept. 16 plans to explore how to create a safer, equitable future for news

On-camera arrests, physical assaults in the field, verbal attacks and threats online, and an ongoing health crisis that has communities struggling in response. Safety for journalists has taken on a renewed sense of importance as newsrooms grapple with the convergence of hostility toward those in the field and systemic racism that pervades even the most revered journalistic institutions. 

This program, “Journalists in peril: Creating a safer, equitable future together,” plans to feature Alex Marquardt, senior national security correspondent at CNN; Sarah Matthews, a lawyer with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press; Abby Phillip, a CNN political correspondent; and Michael Santiago, a photojournalist with Getty Images and former photographer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, which won the Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre.

Registration is open for this National Press Club Journalism Institute program, which is scheduled to take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16.

This conversation will cover the following topics: 

  • The challenges journalists face in the field, with insights from covering protests, Pittsburgh and the White House 

  • How to protect yourself and each other in the face of challenges, both short-term and long-term 

  • Relationships between reporters and teams 

The program will be moderated by Jill Geisler, the Bill Plante Chair in Leadership and Media Integrity at Loyola University Chicago and the Freedom Forum Fellow in Women’s Leadership.