Keith Hill: Candidate for Club president

I'm Keith Hill, current vice president of the National Press Club. I'm running for the position of NPC President.

I've wanted to run for president ever since I joined the NPC in 2003. Sheila Cherry's election to the presidency that year made me feel that, with hard work and persistence, I could eventually achieve the same goal.

My campaign is about experience and engagement. Neither of my opponents has ever held an officer position. In addition to being vice chair and chair of the Board of Governors, I was Treasurer for two years. During my second year as Treasurer, the club had two of its best months ever in terms of revenue and profit.

I've been a member of several committees, including Newsmakers (serving as vice chair in 2005), Travel, Membership, Events, and Communicating and Marketing. I won the Vivian Award for club volunteerism two years in a row (2004 and ‘05).

I've gone on nine Press Club trips between 2005-10, including to China, Russia, and Japan.

I've moderated three Speakers luncheons and over a dozen Newsmakers.

As President, I'll work with our Executive Director to increase the club's reserves and revenue. I'll also work to have more Speakers luncheons with foreign heads of state and to increase our reciprocal clubs overseas.

Member retention is important. The club loses most members between their third and fifth year of membership. I will send out a survey to members in that category to find out if they are still enjoying their membership and, if not, why not.

I will urge committee chairs to reach out to new members to bring them in as volunteers. I will reach out to groups that are under represented at the club.

I want any member­‑current and future‑to look at me and say: If he can become vice chair and chair of the Board of Governors, then go from Treasurer to Vice President to President, I can do the same thing.

My administration will continue to make the NPC “the world's leading professional organization for journalists.”

I ask for your vote on Dec. 9. Thank you.