Law releases biography, "American Evita: Lurleen Wallace"

Janice Law’s sixth book, a just-released biography, "American Evita: Lurleen Wallace" (AE:LW), profiles America’s third woman governor (1967-68), and the first in Alabama - during the most violent years of Civil Rights confrontations.

Astoundingly, when Lurleen Wallace died in 1968, Ralph Abernathy, a Martin Luther King Jr. top lieutenant, released a statement publicly praising her,“A dark shadow has been cast across the horizon of America by the death of the Honorable Governor Lurleen Wallace.”

Her husband, George Wallace, famously vowed “Segregation forever.” Public admiration by a black leader for the wife of an avowed segregationist was unimaginable in 1968 America. But it did happen.

One reviewer wrote “AE:LW is a must read, not only for those who enjoy well-told history, but for those enamored with stories of underdogs who overcome great odds.” Law alternates Lurleen Wallace's biography with Evita Peron’s startlingly similar life trajectory.

AE:LW may be ordered on line from, or