Leading book distributor to meet with indie authors, June 13

As savvy independent authors realize, there is more to book distribution than simply uploading your work to Amazon and calling it a day. The National Press Club's informal group of independent authors plan to learn more about distributing their books widely when they meet on Thursday, June 13, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the McClendon Room of the Reliable Source.

Robin Cutler, director of IngramSpark, plans to share her thoughts on how indie authors might distribute their work more widely via such methods as print on demand.

Cutler, who holds a degree in journalism, also co-hosts the company's podcast, "Go Publish Yourself."

Independent authors write, publish, distribute, and promote their books through their business as opposed to using a “traditional” publisher or paying a "vanity" publisher. Indies can still distribute their books widely in bookstores and through many online booksellers, as Cutler plans to explain.

If you qualify as an independent author — having written and published at least one full-length book not using a traditional publisher — and would like to join the group, reserve your seat in advance by contacting Club member Ed Barks at [email protected].

If you are a prospective author with firm plans to write a book and want to get smarter about publishing independently, apply to attend by contacting Barks.

Note that this is not a formal Club meeting, rather a group of members who share best practices with regard to the business aspects of publishing independently. It is not a writing critique group. There is no cost to participate. Attendance is exclusive to Club members.