Learn about publishing 'White House News Summary' at Communicators breakfast, Feb. 26

According to The Washington Post, President Barack Obama “does not watch cable television regularly, but he reads his news summary each morning.”

At the next National Press Club Communicators Breakfast, Matt Donohue of Bulletin News will describe how the company’s teams of editors and analysts work overnight to produce the news summaries that are read by the president and more than three-fourths of cabinet-level departments and agencies, members of Congress, governors, as well as corporate and association executives.

The Communicators Breakfast is set for Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 8 a.m. in the NPC's Reliable Source's Truman Lounge. The event is free and open to all NPC members and their guests. Also, the Club’s complimentary Continental Breakfast for members will be available.

In addition to The White House News Summary, Bulletin News publishes in print and electronically several must-read news summaries for Washington decision makers, including The Frontrunner, Washington Morning Update and Congressional News Briefing. The reports provide customized business and political intelligence culled from media coverage and other forms of open-source information with the latest news about an organization and its issues.

Donohue also is working with his editorial team to produce a special report for the National Press Club for the day of the breakfast It will provide highlights of that day’s news from Bulletin News publications to show the information they provide to their influential readers.

Click here for more information and to register or contact Tom McMahon, chair of the NPC Communications and Marketing Committee, at [email protected].