Learn how to counsel your spokespeople at Communicators breakfast, May 13

Communications training consultant Ed Barks will show how you can guide your executives toward becoming better spokespeople at the Communicators Breakfast at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 13, in the Truman Lounge.

Admission is free for National Press Club members and $10 for guests, who must be accompanied by a member. The event begins with continental breakfast at 8 a.m. Registration is required.

Barks is the author of “The Truth About Public Speaking: The Three Keys to Great Presentations.” He has taught nearly 5,000 executives how to sharpen both their message and their communications skills.

During his presentation, “Your Spokesperson Just Said What?! How to Cure Foot-in-Mouth Disease,” Barks will lead a conversation on what it takes to help executives shake the jitters when delivering a presentation, avoid tongue tripping when talking to a reporter and advance an organization’s interests on Capitol Hill.

“In today’s competitive environment, an organization cannot afford an executive who fails to communicate masterfully,” Barks said. “At this interactive discussion, communicators will learn how to do their best to prevent leadership from embarrassing themselves – and their organizations – in the press and other public forums.”

Barks is president of Barks Communications, which he founded in 1997. He is a member of the Club’s Board of Governors and the faculty of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Organization Management. He also has served on the board of directors of the Institute of Management Consultants National Capital Region.

The Communicators Breakfast is sponsored by the Club's Communications and Marketing Committee.