Letter to the Secretary: Why online voting? Absentee ballots available

Dear Joel:
"A question for you to answer politely: Do you have a problem with real people showing up to vote? Do you feel real people are equivalent to a click?

"Is it such a struggle for members to go to the Club they love and vote? Should a finger on a computer keyboard count as much as a human? You tell me."

Richard Sammon, NPC President in 1997.

Dear Richard:

Obviously, neither I nor the Press Club have a problem with people showing up to vote.

We're simply trying to make it easier for people to vote -- especially out of town members who were given the right to vote in Press Club elections in the 16 years since your presidency as well as resident members who don't work downtown. For the person who works in, say, Bethesda a half-hour each way on Metro to vote might be a bit much.

We've had repeated complaints about being able to vote from members overseas. A member in Italy, for instance, wrote us in both of the last two years that, "given the efficiency of the Italian postal system," her completed absentee ballot would never get back to the Club in time to be counted.

By voting online here, the member in Bethesda avoids an hour round trip to vote and the member in Italy needn't worry about the Italian postal service.

Members who want to vote at the Club will still be able to do so, from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13. Votes will be counted and announced immediately thereafter.

Absentee ballots are available from the membership department. Requests must be submitted in writing, and must contain the member's membership number and home address. All absentee ballots are sent to home addresses for security purposes, unless they are handed to the member in person at the Club.

The Board of Governors hopes to increase participation in club elections, and the online initiative appears to be working:

After just two days we have surpassed the 45 absentee votes for the Journalist category from last year and are at 50 percent of the total 120 Journalist votes last year. We are just six votes off the 37 Communicator absentee count and are at 50 percent of last year's total 62 Communicator votes.

Thanks for asking, and unless you object, I'd like to use the first two paragraphs of your note and answer them in the Wire. I suspect there are a few others who feel the same way and who also deserve an answer.

Joel Whitaker, Club Secretary