Looking for your best 2020 work in consumer journalism

Consumer journalism is among the most important and competitive categories in the National Press Club journalism contest. We want to see your best work in consumer journalism from 2020, both in print and broadcast for the annual contest.

These awards recognize excellence in reporting on consumer topics. Judges will look more favorably on solution-oriented or strategic-oriented pieces that prompt action by consumers, the community, the government or an individual.

The deadline to enter is April 15. Details on the different awards categories and how to enter the contest can be found online.

The categories are for (1) newspapers; (2) periodicals (including magazines, journals, newsletters and online reporting); (3) And broadcast (including network, syndicates, cable and broadcast TV and radio stations)

 Entries: A single article or broadcast or a series of related articles or broadcasts that will be judged as a unit. If the entry is a continuing series, no more than five examples should be submitted. Include a letter detailing how the piece or series resulted in action by consumers, the government, the community or an individual.

The winner of each prize gets $750.

The Club, the world's leading professional organization for journalists, encourages those with consumer journalism entries to send them in to the contest.

The fee is $75 per entry, but Club members can enter with no charge. The awards will be presented at an annual awards event this summer by the National Press Club.