Member Dan Morrison and his son, Sam, publish a travel book for kids

National Press Club member Angus "Dan" Morrison has published a children's travel book with his son, Sam, 13, entitled "Backpacks & Baguettes."

A children's book called "Backpacks and Baguettes."The book is part narrative, part graffiti/street art that Sam has encountered on his travels around the world -- graffiti (brought to life by Italian illustrator, Marco Primo) because it's better than any postcard to truly understand a place. 

The book attempts to see travel through a child's eyes, where everything is new and everyone is a possible friend. Sam, who is British and American and has grown up in Paris and Washington, puts us in his backpack as he storms an ancient Roman signal station on the cliffs of the North Sea with a wooden sword, navigates the maze of the souk in Marrakesh, discovers what a bris is in Tel Aviv, watches fisherman with gold teeth filet sharks in Sri Lanka, rides on the back of his father’s motorcycle through the back country of Vietnam, cliff dives in Bermuda, gets recruited to wine taste in Paris and imagines what the towering Sequoias of California talk about when no one is listening.

Each chapter includes Sam's impressions of a place, the food and the lives of children. His stories offer a reminder of what it was like to live in the world before the pandemic hit -- the sound of mopeds in Vietnam, the smell of chicken turning on a spit at a French market, a water fight in Bangkok, mushroom hunting in the hills of Tuscany, and the feel of fog on your face in San Francisco Bay.