Member recognized for achievements

National Press Club member T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman has been recognized for his journalistic achievements and his coverage of Indian Americans.



Jayaraman, Washington bureau chief of News India Times, was recently presented with a citation issued by New York City Mayor Eric Adams. The citation said: “I applaud T. Vishnudatta for his contributions to the field of journalism, which is so vital to the strength of our democracy, as well his commitment to inform, engage, and empower our dynamic Indian American community,” while also expressing appreciation for making a positive difference in the community.

Commending Jayaraman’s accomplishments, New York State Assembly member Jenifer Rajkumar also honored him with a proclamation that called him a “master wordsmith.”

The Virginia State Senate unanimously passed a resolution, introduced by state Sen. Suhas Subramanyam, commending Jayaraman’s “dedication to foreign policy and journalism.”

While recognizing Jayaraman in the Virginia Senate Gallery, Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears said: “Part of a democracy and I think probably the very first part is that the media be free. And we are so glad that you are there to help remind us of that. Hence, all the accolades that you’ve received - we can congratulate you. And thank you for coming. Senators, let us give him the warm welcome of our Senate.”

Jayaraman also is active at the Club.

“Huge congratulations to Vishnu on having his work recognized by not one but several officials,” said Club President Emily Wilkins. “It’s always exciting to see a member make an impact, especially an active member like Vishnu who often helps represent the Press Club as part of the International Correspondents Committee.”

Jayaraman previously worked for Hindustan Times, The Tribune, and The Sunday Observer in New Delhi, India, before moving to the United States. He also worked at the Department of Public Information at the United Nations in New York City.