Member Saracoglu invites Club members to lunch with Bangladesh's Ambassador, April 23

Member Mehmet Saracoglu invites Club members to Rumi Forum`s upcoming Ambassadors Speaking Series luncheon featuring Ambassador Akramul Qader of Bangladesh at noon Wednesday, April 23 at Rumi Forum.

Qader will talk about the socio-economic developments of Bangladesh in the recent years and highlight the much-debated post-election political situation in Bangladesh.

A career diplomat with a cabinet rank of State Minister, Qader has served as the Ambassador of Bangladesh to the United States since November 2009. The talk will be moderated by Alyssa Ayres, Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations. She served most recently as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia during 2010–2013.

The luncheon is free and open to members, correspondents and journalists. Registration is required. Please click here to register.

For more information about the event, please email Mehmet Saracoglu or click here.