Member Spotlight: Natalie DiBlasio

Member Spotlight - Natalie DiBlasio, senior editor at RunHaven

How long have you been a member of the National Press Club?
What’s your best experience thus far? I’ve been a member at the National Press Club since 2012. It’s so hard to pick a favorite moment — I ate lunch two seats away from Mariska Hargitay of Law and Order SVU, sat at the head table during Donald Trump’s luncheon, ate the best lobster risotto in the world at the Fourth Estate, loved every second of two Beat The Deadline 5Ks and almost choked on a taco during Friday taco night (it was delicious and worth it).

Morning Ritual:
Snooze, snooze, run, coffee.

What’s your favorite moment of your career so far?
Before I left to work at RunHaven I was a reporter at USA TODAY. Every day in that newsroom I was surrounded by amazing mentors who gave me advice on everything from comma placement to life goals. I learned more about news, reporting and being a person in each day of my career there than I could have learned in years in a classroom. Now, I am loving my new journey leading a team at the running publication, RunHaven. I get to spend every day meshing my work with my passion and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. That being said — I have no idea what my favorite moment was through any of this. My favorite part of my career journey has, without a doubt, been the mentors I’ve met along the way. Everything built on everything else to bring me where I am today and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. Doesn’t that make even my least favorite moments worth it?

What was your childhood dream job?
I always wanted to be a teacher or a professional tree climber/fort builder.

Guilty Pleasure:
What can you not live without? Running, Cheez-Its and gummy bears

If Hollywood made a movie of your life; who would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Amy Poehler.

What’s the best career advice you’ve offered?
The best advice I’ve ever offered is a compilation of the best advice I’ve received from my many mentors: Read everything you can get your hands on. Always bring a pencil (pens freeze in the cold). You’ll never regret taking the high road. No matter what, it’s always a beautiful day for a run.

Member Spotlight

Every month the National Press Club turns the spotlight on members who are making an impact in their professional field and around the Club. These members exemplify the mission of the National Press Club to make it the place where news happens. If you are interested in being highlighted or nominating another member for the spotlight, please contact Director of Membership Melinda Cooke at [email protected].