Members Get Tips on Creating Online Portfolios

You can get your clips online, but you still have to hustle for that new
job, former media web editor recently told NPC members.

At a session to help journalists navigate various options to get their work online, Mark Young, Media General's former Washington bureau web developer and now State Department
online editor, showcased a number of new tools make it easier
than ever to have a web-based portfolio. Tips included:

* Make the navigation links clear and text-only
* Organize and select the best clips
* Consider using blogging tools and websites even for static
portfolio sites

Still, even with the best website journalists must sell themselves
through vigorous networking, Young told nearly 50 participants at the
NPC Professional Development Committee event March 23.

"An online
portfolio is certainly a tool to market yourself... But you're still
going to have to do the job of searching for a job," he said.

Missed the class? We'll host another session at the Saturday, May 15,
Journalism Survival Bootcamp. A handout is available online at .

Contact Susan Heavey, [email protected] or [email protected] .