Members invited to symposium on spa industry at Club, tomorrow

Member Bernard Burt, co-founder of the Washington Spa Allaince, invites fellow National Press Club members to an all-day symposium on the future of the spa industry tomorrow, March 22,in the Holeman Lounge. Entitled “The New Language of Spa” and sponsored by the alliance, the event will run from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Keynoter will be Philippe Bourguignon, senior vice president at the Revolution Group, an investment firm founded by AOL founder Steve Case. Speakers will discuss topics such as how the Watergate Hotel plans to position its Argentta Spa; a report on the Global Wellness Summit; and the new language of complementary medicine.

For information or to arrange interviews, contact Burt at [email protected] or 202-344-9229.