Message from the National Press Club on COVID-19

Dear members of the National Press Club,

Over the last several weeks, the leadership of the National Press Club has been closely monitoring the spread of this novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. The safety and security of our members, guests and staff has been and will always be our top priority.

As such, we will continue to follow official CDC guidelines, and take every precaution to keep your Club safe and open as this situation develops. We have dramatically increased the frequency of our sanitation efforts within the Club, and have deployed automated hand sanitizers throughout the 13th and 14th floors.

Officials from the CDC and other affiliated public health offices and organizations have held several informative press conferences right here in your Club since the outbreak began, and we expect them to return regularly over the next several weeks and months. This is one of the Club’s most important functions – ensuring that journalists can continue doing their jobs and informing the public.

George Roberts, president of the National Association of County and City Health Officials, spoke to the vital role of journalism in combating the spread of coronavirus at one of our NPC Newsmakers last Friday: “You’re here to get the facts out to the people, to try to give them solid information,” said Roberts. “It’s my job to give you the best information I have, but I’m counting on you to get that information out to the public.”

The situation is dynamic, but we will stay on top of it and keep you informed. We will communicate with you on a continuing basis as we assess this evolving situation. We will remain open for business so long as we can continue to do so in a safe and responsible manner.


With all our best,


Bill McCarren
Executive Director
The National Press Club