A message of thanks from NPC President Mark Hamrick

As we prepare to celebrate the beginning of our new president’s term, I wanted to take a moment to pass along my heartfelt thanks to everyone who made the past year so memorable. I’ll always treasure the special memories of having the honor to serve The National Press Club.

We have more than a century of tradition behind us as a Club. That continuum has helped to ensure that our membership and our enterprise remain remarkably strong. Bright, young, energetic and capable leaders populate the Board of Governors. The NPC staff is the best anywhere, always taking special care with members and visiting VIPs alike. Of course, I’m so very grateful for the love of my wife Jeanne and son Christopher as well the strong support of my employer, The Associated Press.

Looking ahead, I will begin my 26th year as an AP broadcast journalist this summer. And I’ll continue blogging at http://hamrickisms.blogspot.com.

I’d like to recall a passage that I shared with you upon taking office a year ago.

We are ever bound in community:
We build on foundations, we did not lay.
We warm ourselves at fires, we did not light.
We sit in the shade of trees, we did not plant.
We drink from wells, we did not dig.
We profit from persons, we did not know.
We light this chalice in thanksgiving
For those who have passed their light to us.

That fire still burns brightly, and we pass that proverbial chalice on to 105th President Theresa Werner. I look forward to celebrating with you at her inauguration, continuing a grand NPC tradition, one among many.