Mulling a career change to PR? Test the waters by joining Club's Newsmaker Committee

Many journalists think about making a career switch to jobs in “communications.” But, if you’re a reporter, producer or editor, how do you gain experience in doing public relations and pitching media if you’re still working in the media?

One way to test the waters and gain experience in communications -- without leaving your day job -- is to join the National Press Club’s Newsmaker Committee.

Members of the Newsmaker Committee develop news conferences on timely issues that are conducted under the National Press Club’s name. Committee members invite guest speakers, write media advisories, pitch the Club-sponsored news conference, coordinate with the speaker and NPC staff along with the guest newsmaker’s staff, host the event and do follow-up.

Serving on the Newsmaker Committee is a great way to serve the National Press Club while gaining valuable media relations experience. It's also is often a way to explore timely issues and interesting topics unrelated to your regular beat or field of expertise.