National Press Building purchased for $167.5 million in 2011

This Week In National Press Club History

June 30, 2011: The National Press Building is bought this week for $167.5 million by affiliates of AEW Capital Management L.P. and Quadrangle Development Corp from the previous owner, Quadrangle, which continues to manage the property. There is no change in the Press Club’s decades-long lease of the top two floors.

June 30, 2010: Newly discovered photos by two Washington journalists of the famous 1925 Scopes “trial of the century” are shown at a Photography Committee luncheon in the McClendon Room by Smithsonian archivist and writer Marcel LaFollette. Her five books, including one on the Scopes trial, examine the communication and popularization of science.

This Week In National Press Club History is brought to you by the History & Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s century-old history through lobby displays, panel discussions, events, and its oral history project, which now includes its just completed interview of 1989 Fourth Estate awardee, New York Times columnist Russell Baker, by WiIliam Hickman.

For more information on the activities of the Committee, or to join it, contact chair Gilbert Klein at [email protected].

Check out much more on the Club’s history here.