National Press Club member publishes novel about NCIS cold case investigation

National Press Club member George Vercessi recently published his fifth novel. NCIS Agent Jerzy Shore centers on cold-case agent and feng-shui enthusiast Jerzy Shore and the decades-old death of Midshipman Jeff Resnick, whose body was found at the base of the Naval Academy clock tower days before the annual Army-Navy football game.

Initially determined to be accidental, Resnick’s death is called into question by an anonymous letter that ultimately lands in Jerzy’s lap, quickly pulling him into a convoluted scheme that turns his once-quiescent life upside down. Yet, all might go well for the NCIS sleuth but for two major distractions; Captain Carol Rutter, Resnick’s former schoolmate, and the elusive stranger hell-bent on killing him.

Vercessi's other novels, King of the Hill, Alma's World, SEAL-Test, and We the People, are available on Amazon.