National Press Club members learn importance of organic social-media engagement

At a Communicators Team Lunch and Learn Workshop on Oct. 20, participants heard from SpeechifAI co-founder Tudor Mihailescu about the changing nature of social media and why organic engagement is one of most important ways to share news and information. Mihailescu, a Club member, pointed out that digital advertising, including banner marketing and social media ads, are no longer useful in getting the attention of online audiences. They’re also very expensive. Digital word-of-mouth is what’s important, and doing so organically is critical to the success of any post being found, shared, and re-shared. But with that comes some challenges.    Most people wanting to share a post on a social media platform really don't have the time or inclination to do anything more than simply clicking a share button. But that has little to no impact, Mihailescu said, and “liking” a post by itself is even less useful.   With SpeechifAI, a software powered by artificial intelligence for digital word-of-mouth, organizations create shareable content suggestions, which their communities use to draft and share authentic social media posts about products, services, corporate news, causes, and other communications.  Mihailescu showed some examples of how the technology can be used for marketing campaigns, product announcements, and press releases, resulting in more shares than ever before, and what he calls “conversions” (purchases, donations, sign-ups, or some other successful call to action).   “Using SpeechifAI is almost as easy as ‘click and send,’ but each post can be shared with a uniquely written lead,” Mihailescu said. “That’s what our platform does and why users are so much more engaged, and more sharing is happening.” Mihailescu also noted that companies find it challenging to get employees to share company information with their followers. By making it easy to share ready-made content (news, job openings or upcoming events), employees feel empowered to be part of the communications outreach process, and are sharing more often.  “Organic sharing benefits organizations, which generate social engagement without having to pay for ads or influencer marketing,” Mihailescu said. Since its launch in late 2019, SpeechifAI has helped organizations generate nearly $20 million worth of organic traffic by enabling their community members create and share more than 500k organic social media posts.