National Press Club plans next Piano Talk on Wednesday with CNN's Sam Feist

The second Piano Talk of the year features CNN's Washington bureau chief, Sam Feist, who recently was named to the National Press Club's Order of the Owl when he was keynote speaker at the spring Silver Owls Hoot. The Piano Talk, in the Truman Lounge, is planned for Wednesday, Aug. 9, at 6:30 p.m. There is no charge for Club members to attend, but you can register here.

Feist plans to talk and answer questions about his career.

Piano Talks are an opportunity for Club Young Members to ask leaders and groundbreakers in the journalism and communications fields about a variety of topics in an off-the-record small group setting. The topics can range from better interviewing techniques to how to expand your professional network.

Sam Feist of CNNFeist oversees the operations of the DC bureau, including CNN’s largest news gathering operation, the production of CNN’s Washington-based programming and major political events such as election nights, conventions, inaugurations, town halls and debates. He also oversees its internal fact-checking team and Special Events Unit. He also is responsible for projecting winners on election night.

At the Club, Feist is on the board of the NPC Journalism Institute and arranges for major financial contributions during the Fourth Estate Awards dinner, which help fund NPCJI’s operating costs.