National Press Club proposes dues change, plans vote at membership meeting, Oct. 14

To our valued members,

Good news!

You're going to pay less next year to the National Press Club for your membership.

The club has traditionally raised its dues about $1 a month every year in our professional categories to try and keep up with inflation, though even that increase doesn't cover the
ever-growing costs of food and beverage, electricity and the like.

For 2016, the Board of Governors has made some changes that will mean you'll be paying a $1 less than you did this year.

It's a bit complicated but the net result is good for you and the Press Club.

For several years, the Club has been charging an annual $25 Second Century Fund fee that was aimed at building up a fund for a generation from now when the Press Club's favorable lease on the 13th and 14th floors runs out. The money raised from that surcharge is now being
folded into the long-term investment of the funds from the sale of the Norman Rockwell painting “Country Editor.”

So the Board has decided to cut that $25 charge and instead raise dues $2 a month next year to balance out the change. So yes, dues are technically going up $24 total next year but you won't have to pay the $25 surcharge. In the end, we're saving you a buck.

The dues change is set to be voted on during the General Membership Meeting on Oct. 14 at noon at the Club.