National Press Club schedules Taco Night discussion about Super Bowl LI

Join National Press Club members Clinton Yates of ESPN’s "The Undefeated" and WTOP, and Nate Scott of Fox Sports as they discuss Sunday’s Super Bowl LI with Andrei Markovits.

The talk is scheduled to take place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 3 during the Press Club’s regular Taco Night. There is no charge to members for the event but please make a reservation with Mesfin at [email protected] so we know how many to expect for tacos. As always, be sure to order your two drinks or the ref will throw the flag!

Markovits is the Arthur F. Thurnau professor and the Karl W. Deutsch collegiate professor of comparative politics and German studies at the University of Michigan. He teaches some of the most popular sports/culture classes in the country. This football talk will go beyond the x’s and o’s and take a look at the whole event and how it impacts what Americans do in bars and living rooms on what has become somewhat of a national holiday.

Questions? Email [email protected].