New book on Russiagate scandals is topic of June 18 Member Author Group meeting

National Press Club member Andrew Kreig plans to discuss his new book, The Complete Annotated Durham ‘Russiagate’ Report on Tuesday, June 18. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Cosgrove Lounge.

RussiagateThe Member-Author Group event is free but RSVPs are required by emailing Andrew at  [email protected].

In the book, Kreig, a lawyer and investigative reporter, discusses the official report of former Justice Department Special Counsel John Durham, an appointment of former President Donald Trump who continued work into 2023 on the so-called Russiagate scandals. The book explores Durham-led prosecutions and probes of those in the national security, law enforcement and high-tech spheres that encouraged FBI investigations of potential Russian interference to help Trump win the 2016 presidential election.

Kreig argues that Durham cherrypicked evidence to avoid documenting serious threats to U.S. elections from Russians, illustrating dangers that still remain.

“Durham’s report and congressional testimony in June 2023 shows that his zeal to protect his Trump patrons and smear Hillary Clinton led him to scapegoating targets absolved by juries,” Kreig said.

This new edition brings to light 2024 news on the findings by special counsels David Weiss and Robert Hur along with details of unsuccessful Durham-led federal trials. It covers Durham’s follow-up congressional hearing, little-known findings of prosecution misconduct against him and his collaboration with then-Attorney General William Barr.

An appendix covers the timeline from 2010 until early 2024.

Kreig’s research began years ago as a newspaper reporter covering federal courts and documenting activities of Durham and Nora Dannehy, who was later named to lead the 2016 Russiagate investigation.

A Club member for 26 years, Kreig leads the Justice Integrity Project. He received his law degree from the University of Chicago School of Law and a master's of law from Yale Law School,. He clerked for a federal judge. His first book, Spiked, advocated for in-depth local news coverage of the courts.

The Member Author Group seeks to produce events for members to promote their recently published books. For more information, please contact Joe Motheral at [email protected]. The group usually meets at noon on the second Tuesday of each month.