New house rule limits payment delays

When using National Press Club facilities, Club members have two choices: Pay in cash or charge purchases to a house account.

In the past, members have been considered “current” as long as the balance in their house account has not exceeded $250. Some members have “gamed the system,” maintaining a constant balance of $249, while most members pay their charges every month.

Effective April 1, under a policy approved by the Board of Governors at its March meeting, any member whose balance is not cleared within 90 days will lose house-charging privileges and the account will be referred to the Budget Committee for further action.

Any member with a balance over 90 days delinquent is subject to immediate suspension. Payments to member accounts must be made by mail or in the Club office during normal business hours.

Additionally, members have up to 90 days to dispute house account charges or consider charges accepted.

Members who continuously violate the rules governing house accounts will be considered in violation of this privilege and will be recommended to the Budget Committee for permanent loss of privilege.

If you are interested in opening a member house account, please contact the membership office at [email protected] or 202.662.7516.

In addition, the Board voted to amend House Rule 4 regarding member conduct. The new policy reads:

As the world’s leading professional organization for journalists, there is an expectation that all members will treat each other, NPC staff, and the Clubhouse with the utmost respect. The following statement was added to house rule 4.

4a. It is the policy of the National Press Club to promote a safe and productive environment for its members and staff. Verbal or physical conduct by a member that harasses (including sexual harassment), disrupts or interferes with the work performance by staff or the experience of members or which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment will not be tolerated. Any member so offending shall be liable for immediate suspension by any member of the board or the manager or his/her designee pending investigation by the board, which will render final action.