Next 'Get It Online' session, March 8, will examine how nonprofit organizations can use Facebook

Is Facebook the right tool for an organization to advocate for change, build relationships with my audience and raise funds?

Adam Gerber, senior associate for social media at Washington-based M+R Strategic Services, will help answer that question as the Club's next "Get It Online" lunch discussion in the McClendon Room at noon on Friday, March 8.

Gerber will share expertise and examples of how Facebook has become has become an integral part of many nonprofit organizations' effective online strategies. He will discuss how you can use Facebook to grow your client's audience and brand, expand subscriptions, test messaging and drive social actions online. He also will provide pro-tips such as sophisticated targeting and advanced advertising to get the most out of your growing audience.

The discussion will review the fundamentals of building a strong Facebook base, including editorial calendar building and content design.

M+R Strategic Services is Washington-based company that provides campaign strategy for nonprofit organizations.