Next Legion Post meeting Nov. 27 to hear NPC election candidates

The National Press Club's American Legion Post 20 will hold its next meeting at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 27, in the McClendon Room. Candidates for offices in the Club's Dec. 14 election have been invited to address Legionaires and take questions.

Post members also are being urged to attend the Friday, Nov. 16, NPC luncheon address by Adm. Jonathan Greenert, the Chief of Naval Operations. A table has been reserved for Post 20 members.

In a third upcoming event, Post members and their families -- especially the 20 who are veterans of World War II -- are invited to attend a free screening of the documentary film "Honor Flight" at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., at 6 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 7.

The Honor Flight Network brings World War II veterans from around the country to visit their memorial in Washington as a show of thanks for their service and sacrifice. The network has transported more than 100,000 veterans to the nation's capital to date.

The film "Honor Flight" is about a Wisconsin Honor Flight chapter and its community coming together to celebrate the World War II veterans in their lives and successfully sending them on a journey to Washington. The film will inspire viewers to reflect on the legacy of these heroes who continue to live quietly in our midst, and on what it is to meet each day with gratitude and grace.

More information and tickets are available by clicking here.