Next Virtual Pub Quiz May 21: Some team construction required

Coming soon, the National Press Club’s monthly pub quiz, on Thursday, May 21, at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Register here for the event.

This “NPC Virtual Pub Quiz 2.0” will be the second Club online pub quiz, hosted by the Events Committee. We promise it will be bigger, more entertaining -- and more streamlined. We learned a lot from last month’s “beta” version.

To better enhance the online pub quiz experience and get the games started sooner, we learned it’s best to get your team organized ahead of game night. Once you, your friends and fellow Club members have registered on Eventbrite, simply follow these three easy steps:

  1. Form your team
  2. Select your team captain as your representative
  3. Have the team captain e-mail the “clever” name of your team, and the names and e-mail addresses of the team members to Laura Coker at [email protected]. That way we’ll be able to assemble your team faster in the online breakout rooms in Zoom.

IMPORTANT: When submitting e-mails to Laura, PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU PROVIDE THE SAME RESPECTIVE E-MAILS THAT YOU AND YOUR TEAMMATES USED WHEN SIGNING UP FOR ZOOM. An e-mail address different from the one you used to register for your Zoom account won’t work.

Don’t have a team? Don’t worry. Just register yourself and the Club will team you with other players. Even though we’re social distancing due to the novel coronavirus, NPC Virtual Pub Quiz is still a great opportunity to meet fellow members and make new friends.

Although technical hurdles were plentiful at last month’s quiz, the 75-plus players were good sports – and in great spirits – to be part of Club history by participating in the first online pub quiz. We think we've cleared those hurdles and it'll be a smooth run next week.

Looking forward to “seeing” you all then!