Nieman Program on Secrecy Open to Club Members

NPC members have been invited to attend a one-day conference, “From Watergate to WikiLeaks: Journalism and Secrecy in the New Media Age,” Thrusday, Dec. 16, at Walter Lippmann House in Cambridge, Mass.

The Nieman foundation for Journalism at Harvard-sponsored event will explore how secrets are investigated, shared and filtered (or not) in an era of self-publishing, online whistle-blowing, data mining and social media websites. It will discuss journalism’s role—what it traditionally has been and what it can or should be in this new environment. There is no charge for NPC members.

RSVP requird at

Panelists include Bill Keller, executive editor at The New York Times; Kathleen Carroll, executive editor at The Associated Press; Walter Pincus, intelligence and national security reporter, The Washington Post; Danielle Brian, executive director, Project on Government Oversight; Clint Hendler, staff writer, Columbia Journalism Review; Maggie Mulvihill, senior investigative producer, New England Center for Investigative Reporting;, co-founder, Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism; Alejandra Matus, freelance journalist, Chile; Rob Rose, business investigations reporter, Sunday Times, South Africa; Kevin Doyle, editor-in-chief, The Cambodia Daily; Ellen Miller, executive director, Sunlight Foundation; Teru Kuwayama, founder, Basetrack; David Kaplan, director, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists; Aron Pilhofer, John Bohannon, contributing correspondent, Science Magazine. Stefan Candea co-founder, Document Cloud and editor, interactive news technologies, The New York Times; Alejandra Matus, freelance journalist, Chile; Rob Rose, business investigations reporter, Sunday Times, South Africa; Kevin Doyle (editor-in-chief, The Cambodia Daily; Ellen Miller, executive director, Sunlight Foundation; Teru Kuwayama, founder, Basetrack; David Kaplan, director, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists; Aron Pilhofer, co-founder, Document Cloud and editor, interactive news technologies, The New York Times; and John Bohannon, contributing correspondent, Science Magazine.