Nominations for Club officers, board seats close today; online voting begins Nov. 13

While time is about to run out, nominations are still being accepted through Friday, Oct. 27, for National Press Club offices and seats on the Board of Governors. 

Nominations are being accepted for the following positions.

The five officer positions, restricted to Journalist members, are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Membership Secretary

On the Board of Governors, for Journalist members, the following seats are open:

  • Two three-year terms

On the Board of Governors, for Communicator members, the following seats are open:

  • One three-year non-voting term

Interested? Contact Kate Helster at [email protected] indicating the position you want to run for and returning a completed copy of the Candidate Agreement Form.

After receiving confirmation, you’ll be sent a personalized petition link for members to sign. Twenty-five signatures from Journalist members are required to run for president, while 15 signatures are required for all other positions. Only Journalist members can sign petitions for officers and Journalist Board members, and only Communicator members can sign petitions for Communicator Board members.

All candidates also will have petitions at the Club. Members can sign either the virtual or physical petition. Signatures from both petitions will be added together when determining if a candidate has enough signatures to qualify.

Online voting opens Monday, Nov. 13.

Voting then culminates with the in-person option on Friday, Dec. 1, dubbed Election Day. Votes will be tallied on the spot after polling closes, and the winners announced during Taco Night. Plan to be around for the excitement that night in the Reliable Source.