Nominations for Club Offices and Board Open Through Oct. 25

Nominations for Club officers and seats on the Board of Governors will remain open until Oct. 25, according to the Election Calendar adopted by the Board. Candidates must get a certain number of valid signatures on petitions, depending on what office they are running for, and submit them by the deadline.

This will be the first election in which Club members will be able to vote online.

Here are the other important dates:

Oct. 28: Candidate bios and photos due; eligible voter lists uploaded online

Oct. 28 – Nov. 1: Candidate review period; online ballots created; paper ballots sent to printer

Nov. 4-8: Online ballot tests

Nov. 11: Online voting opens; candidates given eligible voter lists; Wire story featuring candidates and website link; copy of ballots and bios posted on website; copy of ballots posted member bulletin board

Nov. 13: Paper absentee ballots available

Dec. 6: Last day to request absentee ballot by mail

Dec. 11: Online voting ends

Dec. 13: Election Day. Polls open 8 a.m.–7 p.m. Last day to receive mailed absentee ballots

Please check the election rules, which are posted on the Club's website in the members' only section.

Questions? Please contact Jonathan D. Salant, election board chair, at [email protected] or 202-624-1832.